Our Academy School Day

Our school day starts at 8.40. You should enter the building prior to this time, via doors at the back of the building, and meet in the atrium. 

Your teachers will collect you and drop you back off in the atrium before and after every class, so there's no need to worry about getting lost!

Your Timetable

You have been allocated a place in class 1.3. Below is a copy of your school timetable:

Monday1.3Maths/Science Collab.CDTEnglish/Social Subjects Collab.HWB
Tuesday1.3LanguagesEnglishSocial SubjectsPE
FridayAllFlexible Learning TimeSchool of....  

Supporting you in Our Academy

Each class in Winchburgh Academy will have a dedicated Pupil Support Registration (PSR) teacher. This teacher will see your class every morning to register you in school and have a daily check in. Your PSR teacher for 1.3 is:
Mrs Borthwick

Your PSR teacher is the first port of call to talk to if you have any issues or challenges in school, or if your parent/carer would like to get in touch with the school. Your parent/carer can get in touch with us by emailing: wlwinchburgh-ac@westlothian.org.uk

We will communicate our new school phone numbers with your parent(s)/carer(s) once these have been confirmed. Further support is available in the form of:

  • Mrs Oliver - Principal Teacher Pupil Support
  • Mr Kerr - Depute Head Teacher
  • Mr Mitchell - Head Teacher

What to do if you are late to school or absent from school

If you are running late for school in the morning, come in to school via the main doors at the front and sign in at the school office before you go to your class.

If you know you are going to be absent, your parent/carer can alert the school in advance, either by recording this in the parent portal, or by contact in to the school office. If you have an unexpected absence, please ask someone at home to contact the office and let us know.

Our Academy Dress Code

Our Academy Sports Kit

On your first day, we will be giving you a welcome pack. Included within this will be your Winchburgh embroidered sports kit.

(Please check with somebody at home that they have completed the form to give us the correct sizes for your kit)

Your parent/carer can buy additional items of sports kit, should you wish, on the Border Embroideries website. On your PE days, please bring with you your Winchburgh sports kit, and a pair of trainers. Your teacher will let you know, in advance, if you require swimming or outdoor kit for your PE lessons.

As part of your welcome pack, you will also receive a key to your allocated locker, which will give you a safe space to store your belongings when you do not need them for class.

Day One in Our Academy

On your first day at Winchburgh Academy, please come to school in our formal uniform. Your parent(s)/carer(s) are invited to come into school with you to attend a Welcome Reception event on the first morning until 10am. The plan for the first morning is as follows:

  • 8.40 - 10.00 Welcome reception. Please enter via the main entrance at 8.40
  • 10.00 - 10.30 Pupil assembly
  • 10.30 - 10.45 Morning break
  • 10.45 - 12.25 Practical arrangements (Dinner cards, lockers, fire assembly etc)
  • 12.25 - 13.10 Lunch
  • 13.10 - 15.40 Regular timetabled classes

Our Academy Mealtimes

For lunch, you have the option either to eat food from the school canteen, or to bring a packed lunch with you. Everyone will eat together in the atrium, regardless of what you choose. Leaving the school premises is not permitted at lunchtime.

Everyone will receive a dinner card on their first day. If someone at home has applied, and you are eligible for free school meals, your money goes onto the card automatically every morning. If you pay for lunches, someone at home can top up your card via the parent portal, or you can bring cash and put it on your card before school starts.

The canteen will also be open in the morning, before school and at break time should you wish to buy breakfast or a snack.

We're hoping to recycle as much of our waste as possible, and will work with you in to do this.

Our Academy in School and Our Academy at Home

Your teachers will use Microsoft Teams to log the work you are doing in class. The work will be posted before the day of the lesson, so you can have a look and see what you will be doing in class!

The materials will also be accessible to you if you wish to look back on them in your own time for revision, or if you are absent from school for any reason but are well enough to keep up with what your class are learning in school.

You will have one team for all of your classes, with the work separated out into individual subjects in the channels section.

Don't worry if you are not confident in using teams, we'll cover all of this with you in school!

Digital Technologies in Our Academy

We will be making use of digital technologies within our lessons in Winchburgh Academy. If you have a suitable device such as a laptop or tablet (mobile phones are not suitable for this purpose) you are encouraged to bring this to school.

Your teachers will direct you how/when you can use these.

Devices will be provided in school for anyone who needs one on any given day. You can use your locker to keep your device in a safe place when you do not need it for lessons.

Teachers will give you a chance to go past your locker on the way to/from classes to collect/return your device and any other things you need, as necessary.

Our Academy Summer School

We're looking forward to getting the keys to our new school, and we're going to run a summer school in the mornings of the week beginning 8th August to get in and try everything out and to let you get more familiar with the building before you start formally. Keep an eye out for more details being shared about this shortly.

Further Information

For further information download the S1 Class 1.1 Info Booklet (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)